



HR manager, human resources, recturing, interview, resume, personnel adaptation, psychophysiological adaptation, socio-psychological adaptation, professional adaptation, organizational adaptation, personnel development, material motivation, nonmaterial motivation, personnel evaluation, assessment center, method “360 degrees”, KRI, HR administration


Hiring a human resources professional has a number of important benefits for any organization. After all, HR specialists study the labor market, analyze resumes, conduct interviews, help companies find and select qualified candidates for vacancies. They work on the retention and development of personnel through the development and implementation of programs of training and retraining of employees. They organize and conduct trainings for professional development, improving the skills and competencies of employees, personal and professional self-development. They help new employees adapt to the work environment, conduct familiarization training and onboarding programs. Taking part in solving issues of dismissal, transfer, vacations and other aspects of personnel management, as well as monitor changes in labor legislation and ensure the organization's compliance with all requirements and rules in the field of labor relations. In this article, the author examines the strategic importance of HR functions for the successful operation of the enterprise, focusing on key aspects of personnel management. Reveals the main functions performed by a human resources specialist in a company, which include: recruiting, onboarding, training, development, evaluation and motivation of employees, conflict management and talent retention. Based on current research and practical work experience of HR specialists, he analyzes the main directions for optimizing the work of the personnel management department and increasing its efficiency in the modern business environment. The article provides readers with a clear idea of the key functions of the HR manager, determines their significance for the successful functioning of the business, ensuring the effective work of personnel and contributing to the achievement of the organization’s strategic goals in the modern conditions of the global labor market.


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