



resilience, adaptation, self-regulation, viability, overcoming, life difficulties


The article analyzes the essence of the concept of resilience as the ability of the psyche to recover from adverse conditions. Different approaches and views of the characteristics of this phenomenon are considered. In general of resilience as a characteristic of personality and as a dynamic process, widely represented in the modern psychological literature, is analyzed. It is noted that resilience as a dynamic process leads to adaptation in stressful / difficult situations, ensures the ability of a person or social system to overcome life’s difficulties and build a full life in difficult conditions, is characterized by the ability to properly allocate and use resources in difficult situations, which helps to maintain psychological well-being. The importance of resilience in the ability and formation of post-traumatic stress growth of the individual is emphasized. It is indicated that the factors are resilience considered to be the interaction of biological, psychological, social and cultural factors. The views of positive psychotherapy on the model of resilience are reflected. The components of the model of personality resilience, which are a function of six components (PR6), are revealed: vision, calmness, stubbornness, reasoning, cooperation, health. An analysis of an empirical study of personality resilience among higher education students of different age groups is presented. According to the results of the study, it was found that in both age groups of subjects the average level of resilience prevails, which is characterized by acceptance of the situation, focus on potential solutions, taking responsibility for one's own life, activity, and regulation of emotions. The author has studied such a resource of resilience as social support; in the hierarchy of types of social support, the first three positions are occupied by family, loved ones, and education (development). The analysis emphasized the need for developmental and corrective work to harmonize the resilience of higher education students.


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