


creativity, professional development, professional realization, creative potential, specialists, interactive learning


The article reveals the competence of creativity as a necessary condition for the successful realization of a person in the professional space. That is why, in order to achieve certain professional successes, it is very important to learn creativity, and then skillfully identify and use it in the professional sphere. This statement applies not only to creative professions, but also to many others, since the spectrum of socionomic professions is constantly expanding and increasing. The success of a specialist begins to depend on his creative abilities, the ability to generate new ideas, flexibility and speed of adaptation. That is why creativity becomes a necessary and important trait of a specialist that meets the modern requirements of professional communities and numerous challenges of the socio-cultural space. Participation in the training of future teachers should contribute to the development of their individual creativity. This can be done through creative workshops, joint projects with other students and teachers, and encouragement to experiment with your ideas and working methods. In today’s educational environment, it is important to use innovative approaches to learning, and this requires creativity. Future teachers should be open to the introduction of new technologies, ideas and methods in their pedagogical practice. It is considered that during training, future teachers should have the opportunity to develop their creative thinking. This can be achieved through the use of various methods and tasks that promote creativity, such as brainstorming, role-playing and project activities. This is especially important in the modern educational context, where various challenges are encountered, such as inclusive education, the development of digital technologies, etc. The conclusions state that creativity plays a key role in the professional development of future teachers, contributing to the development of their creative personality and readiness to implement innovative approaches in the educational process. It is important that educational institutions provide opportunities for the development of creative abilities of future teachers so that they can successfully implement innovations in their pedagogical practice.


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