



complicated communication, destructive, defective, deficient communication, communication skills, anxiety, empathy, self-control in communication


The article reveals the features of complicated communication. Its structure, factors, varieties (destructive, defective, deficient), measurement indicators and levels are considered. Complicated communication is defined as communication characterized by a reduced level of awareness of difficulties in communication, a decrease in attempts to find an independent way out of complications that have arisen, and destructive changes in the behavior of partners. The results of the theoretical and empirical analysis of the problem are presented. The methods of diagnosis of the studied psychological phenomenon were standardized methods: “KOZ-2” by V. V. Sinyavskyi – B. A. Fedoryshyn; “Diagnosis of anxiety” by Ch. Spielberger – Yu. L. Khanin; “Diagnostics of assessment of self-control in communication” by M. Snyder, “Scale of emotional response” by A. Mehrabyan and N. Epshtein. During the conducted empirical study of the dynamics of the level of complicated communication among students, we determined the predominance of the average level of formation of communication skills, which indicates the presence of difficulties in communication. Investigating empathy as an emotional component of complicated communication, we found that low levels of empathy and self-control prevail in respondents with underdeveloped communication skills. Analyzing self-control in communication as a behavioral component of the manifestation of complicated communication, we found a predominance of a low level of its manifestation in students with a low and average level of communication skills. Among students with high and medium levels of communication difficulties, two-thirds of respondents have a high level of personal anxiety. The revealed trends indicate the need for differentiated psychocorrective work with students, aimed at reducing the manifestations of complicated in communication. The development of effective psychocorrective strategies aimed at optimizing complicated communication among students is a promising direction of work in this direction.


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