


personality, emotional sphere, emotional intelligence, competence, emotional competence


The article deals with the issue of understanding the concept of “emotional competence of a personality” in modern psychology. A review of the well-known concepts of emotional competence, in particular, foreign and Ukrainian researchers K. Saarni, D. Goleman, V. V. Zarytska, V. M. Borisenko, O. O. Lazurenko, O. A. Leshenko, Y. M. Raevska, O. P. Soliakova and others, is carried out. The author analyzes the difference between the concept of emotional competence and the concept of emotional intelligence, which is close in meaning, and determines their relationship. It is noted that emotional competence is based on emotional intelligence, but is an acquired formation that is formed under the influence of the socio-cultural environment. The author considers the ideas of scientists about the basic components in the construct of emotional competence: reflection, self-regulation, regulation of relationships and empathy, which form four functional blocks – behavioral, cognitive, intrapersonal and interpersonal. The author's understanding of the concept of «emotional competence» is presented, which is based on the analysis of the more general concept of «competence». Emotional competence is proposed to be understood as an integral characteristic of a personality. The key components of emotional competence are theoretically substantiated, such as knowledge, skills, experience, values and attitudes related to the emotional sphere of a personality. The listed components are grouped into three blocks: cognitive (knowledge), activity (skills and abilities) and personal (experience, attitudes, values). It is noted that the constituent components of emotional competence can exist and be manifested in two directions: intrapsychologically (directed to oneself) and interpsychologically (directed to others). The author emphasizes the importance of emotional competence in maintaining mental health and psychological well-being of the individual.


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