


corruption, corrupt behaviour, criteria, mass consciousness, formal and informal relations


Corruption is presented as one of the most massive and dangerous modern phenomena, the difficulty of studying which lies in its multidisciplinary nature; because corruption turns out to be a legal and economic problem only in its consequences, and in its origins it is a purely psychological and universal problem. Criteria for the classification of corruption phenomena are proposed: state, commercial and political corruption are distinguished by the subjects of corruption acts; by the frequency of corruption phenomena – episodic, systemic corruption and kleptocracy; by types of corruption – bribery, obtaining illegal income, extortion, “kickbacks”; privatization of state resources and funds; illegal appropriation; falsification, embezzlement; fraudulent misappropriation of money and property, misuse of state funds, nepotism, favoritism (appointment of relatives and friends); promotion of personal interests, conspiracy (giving preferences to individuals, conflict of interests); gifts to speed up problem solving; protection and intercession (“crushing”, perjury); abuse of power (intimidation, etc.); regulatory manipulation (falsification of elections, decision-making in favor of one or another group or person, etc.); electoral violations; extortion, clientelism and patronage etc. It is shown that corruption has pronounced psychological components, as well as sociocultural roots. In particular, it is stated that self-interested motives in corrupt behaviour can intertwine with game motives and begin to strongly determine each other. Such socio-cultural features of citizens’ attitude towards corruption as tolerance (attitude towards corruption as a ubiquitous, ineradicable and inevitable “minimum level of evil”), indifference, inconsistency and contradiction are revealed. Emphasis is placed on the socio-psychological features of culture, which create a favorable environment for corruption.


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