


health behaviour, health-related procrastination, psychiatric rehabilitation, mental health, phenomenological approach, military personnel


The publication highlights the findings of an exploratory qualitative study that aimed to identify potential determinants of the healthrelated intention-behaviour gap among military personnel. The gap term refers to the challenges encountered in translating intentions into actions to maintain or improve health. Given the military personnel sample, rehabilitation was selected as the primary health behaviour under investigation. The study underscored the significance of adaptive perception of interventions for bridging the gap and restoring the psychological functioning of the target group. The study analysed data from 24 semi-structured interviews conducted with combatants undergoing rehabilitation at the Medical-Psychological Rehabilitation Department of the Kyiv Regional Center for Mental Health. Interview transcripts regarding participants’ engagement in the rehabilitation program were subjected to keywordbased content analysis and latent concept modelling through Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding (t-SNE). The analysis identified key themes that may represent the extent of military personnel's involvement in rehabilitation: experiences of existential insecurity, perceived mismatches between interventions and needs, and the perception of interventions as either negatively impactful or ineffectual. Potential distal factors affecting the intention-behaviour gap in rehabilitation intentions include the degree of institutional betrayal and the strength of social support networks, aligning with the primary reflective processes of the Multi-Process Action Control (M-PAC) model. Perceived intervention outcomes, health literacy, and attitudes toward health, as well as an agreement with staff, are suggested as proximal determinants of the intention-behaviour gap.


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