


depletion of family resources, multiple trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), psychosomatic disorders, posttraumatic growth (PTG), indicators of psychological and somatic health, refugees, internally displaced persons


The article is devoted to a modern review of the state of research on psychoemotional disorders. Particular attention is paid to the coverage of modern research on post-traumatic growth of forced migrants. The goal was to provide a transparent vision of the state of research on psycho-emotional disorders and to expand the scientific concept of post-traumatic growth. The following research methods are used: theoretical – analysis, generalization, modeling. Due to the war significantly worsening psychological and somatic health indicators, a third of the affected individuals may be at risk of developing PTSD. According to data, over fifteen million Ukrainians will require psychological support, with approximately three to four million citizens eventually needing medication-based treatment. It has been established that PTSD is a common reaction after a traumatic event, the characteristic symptoms of which are stressful memories of the event, avoidance behavior, emotional numbing, and psychophysiological hyperarousal; sometimes refers to the psychopathology of temporality. According to a theoretical generalization, about a third of refugees overcome the diagnostic threshold for PTSD, depression, and anxiety. The negative impact of PTSD on body image, a significant deterioration of psychological and somatic health indicators, associated with the factors of military operations, is shown; current daily stressors fully mediate the relationship between war trauma and psychological distress. Instead, post-traumatic growth is seen as “a positive psychological change that occurs as a result of dealing with extremely difficult life circumstances”, indicators of which can be: improved closeness in relationships, awareness of new opportunities in life, a sense of increased personal power, positive spiritual changes and increased self-esteem life. Past traumatic experiences and postmigration stressors are indirectly related to posttraumatic growth (PTSD).


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