coping behavior, defense mechanisms, addiction, stress, adaptationAbstract
In the conditions of the changing present, the study of strategies of overcoming behavior, which determines the main mechanisms of the subject's interaction with stressful situations, as well as the level of adaptation capabilities of the individual, becomes relevant. In the event that you lack the skills to cope with stress or choose a non-constructive response strategy to stress, the subject may find himself in a crisis situation that will stimulate negative emotional states and disrupt his harmonious development. The fast pace of life, information overload, constant changes and demands for growth, uncertainty of the future are factors that destroy the state of psychological balance and can lead to the emergence of negative emotional states and internal tension. Constant psycho-emotional overstrain should stimulate the choice of maladaptive forms of coping with stress, from which faith can be acquired. Psychological studies of addictive behavior and relations to the category of psychological theory and practice are, in our opinion, an open question in modern scientific psychology. In general, research on addictive behavior covers chemical dependence and Internet addiction. Protest, the concept of independence in psychological science should find a broader meaning, namely the persistent need of a person for something, which arises with the given satisfaction or adaptation. The method of this study is a well-founded theoretical and methodological analysis of the features of coping behavior, which includes all coping strategies and protective mechanisms of the psyche, as well as the psychological phenomenon of dependent behavior, which can be a non-constructive form of overcoming difficult life situations; as well as an empirical study of the relationship between strategies of coping behavior and the thirteenth age of addictions in persons who are representatives of different age categories, including respondents of adolescence, youth and early adulthood.
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