



higher education, pedagogical specialties, learning motives, learning motivation, dynamics of learning motivation, motivation to achieve success, self-organization, self-efficacy


The article presents theoretical and empirical analysis of learning motivation peculiarities of pedagogical specialties students of a higher education institution. The analyzed psychological phenomena are learning motivation, external and internal learning motivation, motivation to achieve success, the consequences of a certain learning motivation dominance for the process of social and psychological adaptation of students, which is a factor in the academic success of a higher education student, his social activity, psycho-emotional stability, satisfaction with professional training and communications in the new social system, personal development. It is noted that in the current conditions of military operations on the territory of Ukraine, the focus of attention of both teachers and s higher education has shifted, namely, from academic achievements to support and normalization of the psycho-emotional state. It is presented that the motivation peculiarities of higher education institution students affect the education quality and the formation of future specialists’ personal characteristics. The results of an empirical study of the peculiarities of learning motivation and motivation to achieve success of higher education institution students – future teachers – are presented. Factors contributing to the development of higher education students’ motivation to study at various stages have been identified: students’ awareness of near and distant learning goals; provision of scientific and methodical material for distance education; introduction of innovative teaching methods; organization and implementation of individual, consultative work; favorable psychological atmosphere of interaction, entry into professional activity. It is presented that among the tasks of higher education institutions today is the formation of students’ self-organization skills, a sense of self-efficacy, confidence in their own intellectual capabilities, as an achievement of the orientation of representatives of the teaching staff and the institution’s administration to such interaction and cooperation with the student, which contributes to the creation of a success situation in the educational process.


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