social isolation, social anxiety, anxiety, communication, social interaction, youthAbstract
The article considers the relevance of the problem of social isolation among Ukrainian youth in the conditions of the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic and the full-scale invasion of the aggressor country on the territory of Ukraine. Associated problems related to distance learning, the formation and further development of personality among young men and women, social interaction with others and the crisis of youth are highlighted. The key needs and importance of communication with peers during youth are considered. The concept of social anxiety (social phobia) and factors that can influence its development are revealed and theoretically substantiated. The relevance of the problem of social anxiety in the modern world and among young people in general is noted. The importance of communication and interaction with others in the conditions of live communication and through the use of various social-interactive technologies, which includes the exchange of messages using appropriate applications or social pages, is considered. The relationship between social isolation and the appearance, development and/or intensification of symptoms characteristic of social anxiety is presented. A study of the level of social phobia and the psychological state of Ukrainian youth in conditions of social isolation was conducted, taking into account the gender aspect, using the psychological toolkit presented in the article, which consisted of four methods and the author's questionnaire. A study of the influence of social isolation on the manifestations of social phobia was conducted. The highlighted results indicate that the subjects are dissatisfied with their current level of communication with loved ones, which is accompanied by feelings of loneliness, apathy, depression and anxiety. A study of social phobia among respondents showed that most respondents have a normal level of social anxiety in situations that require interaction with others.
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