


traumatic situation, psychotraumatic event, stress, acute stress reaction, psychological help, stages of experiencing a psychotraumatic event


Competent psychological assistance to a person who has experienced a psycho-traumatic situation is currently an important task of specialists in the field of psychology. This article describes the peculiarities of psycho-traumatic, traumatic situations, through the selection of signs and leading characteristics. Traumatic events are military operations, disasters of various origins, acts of terrorism, presence at the violent death of another person, presence at suicide, sexual violence and other. Сhoosing the right psychological help depends on the scale of the event, its expectedness or unexpectedness, the speed of spread and the duration of the emergency. Іndividual psychological characteristics of a person influence the peculiarities of his experience of a psychotraumatic situation. A traumatic situation triggers the process of psychological traumatization, which is accompanied by the collapse or transformation of the value hierarchy of the individual, the internal or lack of meaning and the whole life, the impossibility of implementing plans. Reactions to a traumatic event can be different. The reaction is manifested as emotional tension of various degrees, stress, acute stress reaction and post-traumatic stress disorder. People can behave helpless, confused, anxious, apathetic; in the field of motor activity, a state of stupor or excessive chaotic motor activity may be observed; in the behavior field – passive submission or confrontation and struggle. The protocols for the provision of psychological first aid define joint, universal recommendations for the provision of psychological aid, including: contact with the victim and involvement, his safety and comfort, stabilization of the condition, collection of information, practical assistance, provision of information on methods and strategies for overcoming acute stress, interaction with related services and referrals. There are different approaches that describe the stages of experiencing psychotraumatic events. They have features of the course, characteristic emotional experiences and features of behavior.


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