students, student youth, criminal war, stressors, mental trauma, psychological resilience, resilience, war, social support, information resources, psychological competenceAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the impact of the criminal war of Muscovy against Ukraine on the psychological resilience of Ukrainian students and its support and strengthening. The article aims to: analyze the current state of research on this issue; identify the factors of influence of this war on the psychological stability of our students; present effective conceptual approaches, methods, means of supporting and strengthening the psychological stability of Ukrainian students in the context of this war. The article contains an analysis of: domestic and foreign scientific reports on the results of research on resilience (psychological stability) in war conditions; trauma to the psyche of Ukrainian students by the criminal war of Muscovy against Ukraine; conditions, factors, resources for supporting and strengthening the psychological stability of Ukrainian students in the conditions of this war, in particular, social, value-semantic, spiritual-psychological, informational, psychological support, psychological competence, self-regulation. The article analyzes the factors influencing the psychological resilience of students and provides recommendations for maintaining their mental health and preserving psychological stability in the context of military operations. The strategies for promoting the development of students' psychological resilience during the war are analyzed and recommendations for providing psychological support in the social environment are offered. Based on the analysis of the current challenges of war, attention is focused on the need to develop and implement effective psychological programs and approaches to support students' psychological resilience in war. It is on this aspect of the war waged against us by the Muscovites that we focus both in individual and group psycho-prophylactic work to support and strengthen the resilience of our students.
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