


reflection, decision-making process, personality abilities, personality properties, methodological aspects of research


The article presents a theoretical analysis of the methodological foundations for studying the processes of reflection and decisionmaking. The features of Western and domestic approaches to the empirical study of reflection and decision-making are characterized. The indicators of the reflection process are revealed in accordance with the stages of its course (the ability to adequately describe a situation/event with the ability to identify the main thing and describe one’s own thoughts and feelings – the stage of experience review; the ability to ask searching questions and the ability to answer searching questions and to realize the conditions of the situation in which this happens – the stage of critical analysis; the ability to formulate conclusions and the ability to describe specific plans and goals for future actions – the stage of reflective result). The selected spheres of personality involved in the decision-making process (valuesemantic, cognitive and volitional) are compared with the components of the psychological structure of the decision-making process (the value-semantic sphere includes the goal (expected result) and criteria for evaluating alternatives; the cognitive sphere includes awareness and assessment of the problem situation, reproduction of alternative solutions in memory or generation of new ones in case of novelty of the situation and assessment of alternatives; the volitional sphere includes the actual choice of the most optimal alternative, in the opinion of the decision maker and implementation (realization of the chosen alternative). Based on the identified indicators and criteria of the reflection and decision-making processes, a set of valid and reliable methods and questionnaires for their empirical study is substantiated. The proposed methods and questionnaires allow studying both individual aspects of reflection and decisionmaking and researching them in general. The methodological tools are aimed at studying the abilities and properties of the individual that serve as the basis for the processes under study.


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