



prevention, bullying, educational environment, adolescents


The current state of development in psychological science poses numerous challenges for researchers in the direction of conducting studies on interpersonal interaction at various levels of its manifestation. The issue of conflict interaction remains relevant throughout the existence of humanity, as social progress involves both the creation and overcoming of conflicts. In modern times, considering various external threats such as war and other dangerous situations, the mission of creating a safe educational environment becomes particularly crucial. Many student groups encounter the problem of bullying, characterized by deliberate and systematic psychological pressure from a group onto individual students within the class. This interference violates their dignity and right to respect. Bullying affects the group dynamic, diverting attention from positive activities, fostering increased conflict, and deteriorating the moral-psychological climate. It limits the self-realization opportunities of those subjected to bullying within their peer group. In research, bullying is often viewed as a social-psychological phenomenon, a destructive interaction, and a subtype of aggression that can manifest in various forms, including physical and verbal expressions. Bullying is seen as conscious violence against the vulnerable individuals who are unable to defend themselves. Studying bullying in the educational environment requires deep analysis and consideration due to its potentially serious impact on the mental and physical health of both students and educational staff. This phenomenon may lead to deteriorating academic achievements and affect the effectiveness of education and upbringing. Persistent bullying within educational institutions can create a negative psychological climate, influencing the overall atmosphere, relationships between students and educational staff, as well as the general safety and well-being of all participants in the educational process. Moreover, it can shape students’ perceptions of relationships and provoke prolonged conflicts.


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