creative self, heads of pedagogical teams, personality, personal resources, professional creativity, professional activity of a headAbstract
The article notes that the analysis of the psychological aspects of the creative self is especially important in view of the role played by the heads of teaching staff in the modern conditions of modernization of the national education system. Meanwhile, in relation to the current processes of modernization of the national education system, the topic of the creative self of the teacher’s team leader and its psychological aspect are not sufficiently covered. The authors understand creativity as a source of movement that leads to personal development. The psychological structure of the creative self is theoretically substantiated, which is a multicomponent, multilevel formation that actualizes personal resources and capabilities in the diversity of individual characteristics of the teacher’s personality. The creative self as a system is characterized by intra- and inter-component connections of varying degrees of significance between the activity, cognitive, motivational and emotional components. The content characteristics of indicators are defined. A qualitative change in their content at different stages of development provides a higher level of functioning of the creative self. The results of the theoretical and methodological analysis of the state of research of the problem allow to define the functions of the creative self in the professional activity of the head of the teaching staff: adaptive (allows to adopt an appropriate type of professional behavior and social role depending on the requirements of the surrounding society, to overcome difficulties and contradictions in achieving the professional goal by mobilizing personal resources); transformative (searches for new individual ways and strategies in professional creativity based on social and cultural characteristics).
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