


professional frustration, primary school, teacher, education, education reform


The article deals with the topical issue of the lack of a unified understanding of the essence of professional frustration of an elementary school teacher. The phenomenon of professional frustration is analyzed. It is noted that the personality of the teacher and the quality of his professional activity are influenced by internal and external factors, which in turn determine the state of frustration. The features of emotional overcoming of professional frustration are analyzed. It was determined that a necessary element for overcoming professional frustration is the development of self-awareness, self-esteem, including professional, the ability to pay attention to bodily manifestations that may arise as a result of prolonged emotional experiences. Attention is focused on the importance of an adequate and conscious attitude of primary school teachers to their own professional improvement, knowledge of the main patterns and negative consequences of frustration. The importance of increasing the professional competence and professionalism of teachers is noted. The functions of professional frustration are defined. An analysis of personality levels and features of the manifestation of professional frustration at each of them was carried out. It was found that in most cases, experiencing professional frustration, as well as frustration in general, can lead to negative consequences, for example, to such deep psychological conditions as depression, chronic stress, psychosomatic disorders. A strategy for overcoming the professional frustration of an elementary school teacher is proposed. The psychological conditions necessary to overcome professional frustration at the value, emotional, behavioral and cognitive levels are described. The psychological conditions contributing to overcoming the professional frustration of primary school teachers are determined. Attention is focused on the need for harmonious development of all structural levels of the teacher’s personality. Psychological methods of overcoming professional frustration of primary school teachers are determined.


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