


individuality, psychogenetic, interindividual variability, determinants of development, genotype, middle class, genotypeenvironmental influences, temperament, personality orientation


The article considers the phenomenon of human individuality as a complex interdisciplinary problem that attracts great attention to various specialties, including psychology and genetics. It is emphasized that the dependent role of the genotype and the middle ground in the formation of various psychological and psychophysiological signs of specialness and the formation of a person’s individuality is one of the most relevant and promising directions of current psychogenetic. Based on the analysis of the problems of the influx of psychogenetic factors into the development of individual typological characteristics, it is shown that the psychogenetic approach significantly expands the reasonable roles of genetic and intermediate factors on the development of individuality. We present the results of a study based on the individuality of such psychogenetic determinants of development as temperament (genetic determinant) and directness of personality (medial determinant). It has been proven that individual-typological traits, which are determined by heredity, manifest themselves regardless of the influence of the environment, and acquired qualities are determined by genotype-environmental factors. The data of the correlation analysis are presented, as they confirm the connection between the orientation of the individual and communicative, subjectively oriented aspects of individuality, which are formed under the influence of the social environment. It has been confirmed that hereditary factors determine individuality, being refracted through the environment. The integration of temperament and personality changes primarily the properties related to social interaction, and the activation and emotional characteristics of activity are the most stable in terms of the age dynamics of genotype-environment influences. The perspective of the research is seen in conducting a longitudinal study, in which it would be possible to analyze the dynamics of genetic factors of inter-individual variability of psychological characteristics during ontogenesis.


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