partnership, pedagogical communication, pedagogy of partnership, partnership interaction, educational process, distance learningAbstract
This article deals with the problem of partnership pedagogy. The psychological peculiarities of partnership interaction of participants in the educational process during distance learning and under martial law are analyzed. It is emphasized that educational institutions should become a single socio-pedagogical system that ensures the interaction of teachers, parents and students on the basis of equal partners in order to create a psychologically comfortable educational environment and ensure quality education. The ways of involving parents in the educational process on the basis of partnership are highlighted. The need for teachers to be prepared to implement partnership pedagogy based on knowledge of its principles, the ability to use forms and methods of organizing interaction with participants in the educational process on the basis of partnership pedagogy is emphasized. It is emphasized that during martial law, educational institutions also perform the functions of providing psychological support, ensuring national and patriotic education, supporting motivation, cohesion, and effectiveness of all participants in the educational process. Teachers under martial law should focus on the development of emotional intelligence, active listening, effective conflict resolution and adaptation to change, the use of modern technology and educational platforms, video conferencing, e-mail, social media to support communication and distance learning for students and establish interaction with parents. The effectiveness of the application of modern information and digital pedagogical technologies, the use of various services and platforms contributes to the process of partnership interaction between educational institutions, families, public and international organizations in modern conditions. It is important to provide psychological support to teachers themselves under martial law, as providing access to psychological programs and counseling will help teachers strengthen their psychological resilience and improve their well-being.
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