personality, personality development, social values, personal value orientations, types of value orientations, age period, early youthAbstract
The article is devoted to the actual problem of the value orientations of the individual and their formation. The consideration of the problem of value orientations of the individual as one of the theoretical problems of the psychology of personality development in the process of socialization is presented. The essence of the psychological phenomenon of value orientations is revealed as one of the most important results of the socialization of the individual. An indicator of the significance of certain social values is used as an indicator of a person's value orientations. Special attention is paid to the age-related features of the formation of value orientations in early youth. It is emphasized that in this age period the worldview is affirmed as the central psychological formation of the personality. Value orientations are one of the most important components of an individual's worldview. The relevance of the study of this phenomenon in modern social conditions is revealed. A conclusion is made about the need for special psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of meaningful value orientations of modern youth. The article contains some results of an empirical study of the value orientations of students of senior classes of secondary schools. It is shown that none of the values proposed in the psychodiagnostic study have a high degree of significance for the subjects, all have either moderate or low significance. But among the moderately significant values, the first place is occupied by the values «creativity» and «family» (35.7%), the second place is the value «health» (28.6%), and the third place is occupied by the values «career» and «rest» (14.3%). Conclusions are formulated regarding the theoretical and practical significance of the obtained results and the prospects for further research of the problem.
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