situations of uncertainty, uncertainty, experiences, psychological state, psychological well-being, meaningAbstract
The article reveals the relevance of the problem of experiencing situations of uncertainty by Ukrainians in the conditions of a fullscale war. It is noted that the experience of living in acutely uncertain situations has a negative effect on the psychological state of the individual. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to analyze the impact of experiencing situations of uncertainty on the psychological well-being of an individual. Situations of uncertainty are interpreted as situations that are not subject to ready-made schemes of interpretation, do not have the usual logic of explanation, and differ in the absence of known temporal, semantic, causal and other regularities. Undefined situations are characterized by novelty, contradiction, complexity, multiplicity of possibilities, choices and decisions, unpredictability, uncontrollability. Uncertainty is proposed to mean the affective-cognitive state of human experience, which is characterized by a crisis of predictability of the expected future, decision-making, identity, and freedom of will. An important mechanism for mastering situations of uncertainty is experiencing. Experiencing is considered as a special activity for the reconstruction of the mental world, aimed at establishing a meaningful correspondence between consciousness and being, the general goal of which is to increase the meaningfulness of life. This activity is actualized in critical situations of the impossibility of the subject achieving the main motives and plans of his life, the destruction of ideals and values, the result of such activity is the transformation of mental reality.Conclusions are made that human life in its existential basis is filled with uncertainty, which can be a positive factor for discovering human freedom, creativity, vital interest and development; extreme situations of uncertainty have a negative impact on the psychological well-being of the individual; experience is the main psychological mechanism that allows you to master the situation of uncertainty through the transformation of the value-meaning sphere of the individual, giving new meanings, changing the worldview, reconstructing the identity of a person; psychological assistance to an individual may consist, in particular, in accompanying the process of experiencing acutely uncertain situations.
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