psychological culture, communicative culture, conflictological culture, competence, communicative competence, conflictological competence, components of conflictological competence, self-efficacy, innovative pedagogical technologies, interactive teaching methodsAbstract
The concepts of “psychological culture”, “communicative culture”, “conflictological culture”, “conflictological competence” are analyzed in the article. The components of the conflictological competence of a student of a higher education institution – a future teacher – are highlighted and analyzed. It was determined that the formation of a conflictological culture component – the conflictological competence of future teachers depends on the introduction of information and communication technologies into the disciplines “Psychology” and “Educational Psychology” while studying at the Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko. The results of the research on the level of conflictological competence and self-efficacy of higher education students (future teachers) are analyzed. It was determined that the majority of students have an average and high level of conflictological competence. As a result of the study of students and master’s students’ self-efficacy, it was determined that average and higher than average self-efficacy scores are characteristic of most students. The results show that the majority of students have a conscious attitude to conflict interaction, they have prognostic functions regarding conflict resolution options, understand the importance of emotional-volitional control during such interaction, and understand the need to organize constructive interaction. It was determined that the process of forming the components of the conflictological competence of future teachers depends on the introduction of information and communication pedagogical technologies into the educational process of higher education institution, and, in particular, interactive teaching methods.
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