emotional experiences, emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, emotions, emotional burnoutAbstract
Because of present world is full of stress, challenges and information noise, the ability to recognize and manage one's emotions is becoming an increasingly valuable skill. Emotional literacy, as the ability to recognize, understand, and effectively manage one's emotions, as well as the emotions of others, is becoming a necessary asset for every member of society, a guarantee of resilience and psychological well-being in general. That is why we decided to study the peculiarities of emotional experiences in adults under the influence of various external circumstances. And that is why we made it a part of our research to determine the level of emotional literacy and build psychological resilience by understanding how external circumstances affect emotional experiences, understanding our own emotions, and being aware of the processes that occur in the body when experiencing certain emotions. The ability to consciously manage one's own emotions in different conditions is key to psychological well-being and overall success in life. The analysis of theoretical data has revealed a significant number of studies on the problem of emotions, emotional state, emotional intelligence, and emotional experiences of a person. In the life of an adult, emotions perform several functions, including evaluative, stimulating, regulatory, and also play the role of activation and synthesis, helping the individual to live and develop harmoniously in the outside world. All emotional states are closely related to the needs of the individual. The ability to understanding, recognize and manage one's own emotions, motivation, thoughts and behavior, and regulate one's personal emotional state is defined as emotional intelligence. Emotional experiences encourage a person to further develop and improve himself or herself. That is why emotional intelligence should be developed like other skills and abilities, as it contributes to the success of not only the individual but also society as a whole. Especially in difficult times for society, maintaining the psychological well-being of society is one of the key needs. And this need can be met by raising the level of emotional intelligence of the population through various educational activities aimed at improving adults' understanding of the nature of emotions, their impact on our lives, understanding their own emotional needs, developing empathy and the ability to manage their own emotions.
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