professional self-determination, factors of formation of professional self-determination, determinants of personal selfdetermination, mechanisms of development of the process of professional self-determinationAbstract
The article theoretically substantiates the research results. In the process of studying the peculiarities of professional selfdetermination, the main attention was focused on such main systems of factors and components as: external and internal factors, determination of the process of self-determination of the individual. Psychological self-determination of the individual, as a problem of psychology, requires scientific substantiation of the psychological features of its formation and determination. In the course of the research, we define professional formation from the standpoint of a differential-psychological approach, and consider it as a long-term, dynamic, multifaceted process of self-realization and personality, which is determined by socio-economic, socio-psychological, subject-personal, individual-personal factors, and which covers the entire life and, in particular, the professional path of a person. This process goes through several stages of its individual development, each of which is characterized by its specific content. It has been established that the content of professional self-determination consists of cognitive, motivational-emotional, behavioral and personal-professional components. Each of these components consists of mechanisms that form a unique personal life and professional perspective, a personal professional plan, professional orientation, based on ideas, interests and drives individuals to a certain type of activity. The system of motives and mechanisms that are factors in the formation of the process of professional self-determination has been studied. It has been established that the psychological factors in the development of the professional self-determination of an individual are those factors that directly relate to the motivational, cognitive, emotional-volitional and behavioral spheres of the individual and trigger various psychological mechanisms depending on the influencing factor.
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