psychological well-being, psychological tourism, stress, anxiety, eudemotherapy, landscape therapy, meditationAbstract
The article highlights the generalized results of research into the possibilities of psychological tourism in ensuring the psychological well-being of a person, which is a subjective experience of positively colored feelings or cognitive evaluations, varying from lower in activity affects, such as peace or satisfaction, to a more active manifestation of emotions, such as excitement or delight, and is an indicator of her mental health. It has been established that the condition of psychological well-being is the consistency of a person's motives, goals, values with the requirements of the natural environment and the internal capabilities of the individual. Psychological tourism is considered as a type of tourism, the goal of which is to achieve internal harmony and integrity of the individual, which involves accepting oneself, understanding one's physical and personal resources, as well as improving interaction with the environment. It is noted that psychological tourism programs often include such specific psychological directions as eudemotherapy, landscape therapy, phototherapy, animal therapy, art therapy and many others. It is emphasized that the defining feature of psychological tourism is the combination of the use of healing properties of nature with modern psychotherapeutic methods, which enables a comprehensive approach to ensuring psychological well-being, helping people preserve internal resources to overcome life's difficulties and achieve harmony with the environment. The following possibilities of psychological tourism in ensuring the psychological well-being of a person have been determined: reducing the level of stress and anxiety; creating an opportunity to look at your life from a different angle; strengthening of social ties; improvement of physical health and well-being; development of self-awareness and provision of spiritual growth; stimulation of creativity and mental activity, etc. It is noted that during the martial law, the importance of psychological tourism as a means of ensuring the psychological well-being of a person increases.
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