emotional stability, emotionality, stressful conditions, psychological assistance, military operationsAbstract
The war in Ukraine has a very strong impact on the psycho-emotional state of Ukrainians, no matter where they are now. And this entails a violation of working capacity, physical and psychological state of health. An important role in the emotional state is also played by periodic anxiety, which forces you to run for shelter and wait to see if it will fly, as well as the economic state of the country. This actualizes the study of means of developing emotional stability and ways of their implementation in the system of psychological assistance to Ukrainians. In the article, the author examines the psychological aspects of the development of emotional stability of persons who suffered during the war. The author also notes that solving these problems requires a deeper and more comprehensive approach to the study and diagnosis of emotional stability, the development of effective diagnostic methods and techniques, as well as the development of standards for assessing the individual needs and capabilities of each client or group. This approach can provide a more accurate and objective determination of the state of emotional stability and the development of effective support and development programs. Reveals the main approaches in the study of emotional stability: active and reactive. On the basis of current research and practical work experience, he analyzes the main areas of activity in the psychological support of persons who have suffered as a result of military actions, among which the following are identified as the main ones: identification and diagnosis of the causes and problems of socio-psychological security and maladaptation of the affected persons in a new social environment for them; monitoring and analysis of statistical information to determine the real state; development of methodological recommendations on the organization of psychological support for injured persons; development of advice for specialists of psychological services; psychological support and protection of the rights of families and individuals who have experienced difficult life situations due to war events; organization of information events for improving the qualifications of staff and managers in countering negative social and psychological phenomena in work teams. The article will be useful for scientists investigating the phenomenon of emotional stability and specialists who are looking for effective means of restoring the psychosocial health of society in the conditions of a military conflict.
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