social-psychological adaptation, factors of social-psychological adaptation, stress, stress resistance, psychological support of students of higher education institutions.Abstract
The article analyzes such a psychological phenomenon as a stress, the varieties of this emotional state and the peculiarities of experiencing stress by students of higher education institutions. Experiencing stress by students of higher education is an urgent issue because of the problems of the success of their professional training. In this regard, it has been determined that the formation of young people’s system of knowledge about the phenomenon of stress: psychophysiological features of the emergence of this emotional state, factors that contribute to its occurrence, the specifics of the passage, consequences, as well as the formation of skills and abilities of students in self-regulation of mental states is an urgent need today. The causes of stress in students of higher education depending on the period of study at the institution of higher education are summarized. It has been found out that the researchers singled out the first year of study as the most stressful period, which is associated with the problems of social and psychological adaptation to the conditions and specifics of studying in a new educational institution. The factors that contribute to the occurrence of stress in students during seminar and practical classes, the examination session have been determined. Individual personal properties have been considered as factors of successful social and psychological adaptation of students of higher education institutions, among which is the level of stress resistance of the individual. The results of an empirical study of the level of stress resistance of students of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko are presented. Factors contributing to the success of social and psychological adaptation and reducing the stress level of higher education students have been determined, namely: the features of the social and psychological climate of the academic group, faculty, institute and, in general, the institution of higher education, work with students by specialists of the psychological support service, the activity of students in the public life of the student community of the educational institution, the work of curators of academic groups, active interaction with teachers and the administration of the educational institution. The peculiarities of the organization of psychological support during the study of students in a higher education institution with the aim of successful adaptation of higher education applicants are highlighted.
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