



empathy, manifestations of empathy, personality traits, future psychologists, future teachers, professional activity.


The article analyzes an empirical study of peculiarities of the manifestation of empathy among students of higher education institutions. Features of different approaches for understanding the concept of empathy are highlighted. The results of the research of the development of empathy among students of various specialties of the pedagogical university have been revealed. It is noted that there is a connection between the choice of professional activity, features of personal traits and manifestations of empathic abilities. The features of the manifestations of rational, emotional and intuitive channels of empathy have been determined. The priority development of such features as empathy and intuitive feeling of a person and the emotional channel of empathy in students of psychology, the intuitive channel of empathy and such features as “feeling” not only in the world of people, but also in an artistic object of students of the Institute of Arts and the rational channel is highlighted in empathy and the ability to obey norms and rules in students of future primary school teachers. It is noted that there is a connection at the level of statistical significance between personal traits and manifestations of empathy. The existence of a direct relationship at the level of statistical significance of p=0.01 between indicators of emotional stability-instability and the level of the penetrating ability of empathy, i.e. the property that allows creating an atmosphere of trustworthiness and effective communication, has been proven. The indicated inverse relationship at the level of statistical significance p=0.01 between indicators of emotional stability and the rational channel of empathy, namely the ability to understand another person, his conditions, problems, and behavior. A direct relationship at the level of statistical significance of p=0.05 has been proven among such personality manifestations as conservatism-radicalism, practicality-dreaminess and the intuitive channel of empathy. The conducted analysis emphasized the need for developmental and corrective work to harmonize empathy between students of future teachers and psychologists.


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