


adaptation, socio-psychological adaptation, self-esteem, self-respect, levels of self-esteem, psychological support of higher education institution students.


The article deals with analysis of self-esteem as psychological phenomenon of an individual, the peculiarities of higher education institutions students’ self-esteem as a factor of success in social and psychological adaptation, the success of students’ studies and, in general, the formation of professional competencies of future specialists. The functions of self-esteem of student youth are analyzed. It is presented that the peculiarities of higher education students’ self-esteem remain relevant issue for researchers of social and age psychology, psychology of higher education. The interdependence between the peculiarities of the higher education institution students’ self-esteem and the difficulties of the adaptation periods of study, which are the first year of study and the graduation course, is summarized. The peculiarity of the latter factor is connected with the period of students’ practice, and very often, for a significant number of young people, the beginning of their professional activity. It was found out that the researchers singled out the first year of study as the most difficult period, which is associated with the problems of young people’s adaptation to the conditions and specifics of studying in a new educational institution. The advantages of students with objective self-assessment have been identified in this process. The difficulties of first-year students with low self-esteem and inadequately high self-esteem, the peculiarities of their studies, social interaction, and the peculiarities of professional adaptation are analyzed. The results of the gender characteristics study of the self-esteem of higher education students are analyzed. The results of an empirical study of the A.S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University students’ self-esteem are presented. The factors contributing to the success of social and psychological adaptation, in particular, diagnostic and corrective activities of psychological service specialists regarding the problems of higher education institutions students are identified. The peculiarities of the psychological support organization for the students during their study in a higher education institution are highlighted with the aim of successful adaptation and professional competences formation of the future specialists.


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