


moral norm, moral behavior, moral demand, moral regulation, self-regulation, self-regulation mechanisms.


The article provides an analysis of the concept of norm established in society, its main meaning and requirements. A historical analysis of the concept of “norm”, social norms, general and main moral norms was carried out. The substantive and formal characteristics and main functions of the norm as the main regulator of moral behavior are determined. Based on the definition of moral norms as a system of requirements that determine a person’s obligations to the surrounding world, which not only guide behavior, but also provide an opportunity to evaluate and control it, groups of moral orientations are presented. The components of moral regulation (requirements of society, assimilation of requirements and appropriate behavior) and structural components of levels of moral regulation – macro environment (classes), micro environment (small groups) and personal component are analyzed. The functions of each level are considered – creative, accumulative, broadcasting and implementation function in the macro environment; dynamic and retransmitting functions in the microenvironment and internalization, intraslation, implementation and creative functions at the personal level. Selfregulation, mechanisms of functioning of the regulatory process of the individual are analyzed. As mechanisms of self-regulation, selfesteem is singled out, as an awareness of the internal contradiction between the image of “I” and the ideal, a mechanism of self-control consisting in the correlation of a behavioral act with a direct or predictable evaluation of it by other people, elementary fixed social attitudes. The correspondence of the mechanisms of regulation according to the socio-psychological levels of behavior regulation from the standpoint of the participation of values in them is clarified: “open-normative” level, “normative-value” level and “value” level. The ratio of external (social) and internal (personal) ethical regulation of behavior is considered. The author came to the conclusion that the functioning of the regulatory process occurs thanks to internal psychological mechanisms, which are distinguished as: control and evaluation of actions during their implementation; the mechanism of personal content, self-esteem and self-control, the contradiction between a positive image of oneself and a negative image of one’s own behavior, internal psychological attitudes of different levels.


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