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UDC 159.923.2


Kuzikova Svitlana Borysivnа,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Department of Psychology
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko
ORCID ID: 0000 0003 2574 9985
Researcher ID: AAS-8918-2020
Scopus Author ID: 57207304002

Shcherbak Tetiana Ivanivna,
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7701-9450
Researcher ID: AAC-5284-2020
Scopus Author ID: 57207314159

Uncertainty and instability are two main things what we face every day in our new reality. Life-sustaining beliefs certainly influence the assessment of the situation because it is perceived as less traumatic due to its willingness to act actively and confidence in the ability to influence the situation. Theoretical substantiation and empirical research of the features of personality sustainability in critical living conditions became the purpose of this study... (at least 1800 characters)
Key words: hardiness, instability, uncertainty, crisis, critical condition, adaptation.

Кузікова Світлана, Щербак Тетяна. Життєстійкість як адаптаційний ресурс особистості у реальності невизначеності життя
Невизначеність та нестабільність – це те, що спіткає нас щодня у сучасній новій реальності. Життєстійкі переконання, безперечно, мають вплив на оцінку ситуації – вона сприймається як менш травматична через готовність активно діяти та впевненість у здатності вплинути на ситуацію. Теоретичне обґрунтування та емпіричне дослідження особливостей життєстійкості особистості у ситуаціях невизначеності стало метою цього дослідження... (at least 1800 characters)
Ключові слова: життєстійкість, нестабільність, невизначеність, кризова ситуація, критичний стан, адаптація.

Introduction. External and internal uncertainty is a fundamental characteristic of modern man and his environment. Modern living conditions require high endurance and readiness for the constant variability of life in a new reality, the ability to make responsible decisions in a limited time and with insufficient or excessive information. The state of existence also requires people to successfully use their internal resources, as well as the ability for constant personal transformation and development of their own identity... 

Materials and methods. The research sample consisted of 240 respondents. 80 respondents are students and workers of the "Psychology" department, aged 19–22 years. Another 80 respondents were students of the Institute of Social Sciences majoring in International Relations and Hotel and Restaurant Business. Age range – 19–22 years. Research participants had work experience in the USA and Turkey for 4 calendar months under the "Work and Travel" program, speech practice for a month in Jordan...

Research results. In order to identify the influence and test the hypothesis of the formation of vitality as a factor of personality adaptation, we used one-factor variance analysis. Thanks to the analysis of the average values corresponding to the different gradations of the factor and their differences, the univariate variance analysis allows you to test the hypothesis that the factor we are studying affects the dependent variable and how it happens, that is, it is aimed at identifying dependencies in experimental groups by analyzing the significance of differences in the average values obtained during the processing of the performed methods. The most significant results of the conducted analysis are presented below, where the general level of vitality acts as a factor (independent variable).

Conclusions. Our reasoning about sustainability as a psychological phenomenon was based on three initial thoughts, which were confirmed in the conducted research. First, early adulthood is more susceptible to the influence of the outside world according to the life situation, so their indicators in general may be significantly lower due to the lack of sufficient life experience. Usually, at this age, the professional formation of an individual takes place, as well as the formation of a new unit of society - one's own family, so situations of uncertainty keep pace with a person, most of the situations he faces will be new and crisis-like... 


1. Великий тлумачний словник сучасної української мови : 250 000 слів / уклад. і гол. ред. В.Т. Бусел. Київ; Ірпінь : ВТФ «Перун», 2005. 1728 с.

2. Psychological hardiness predicts success in US Army Special Forces candidates / P.T. Bartone, R.R. Roland, J.J. Picano, T.J. Williams. International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 2008. Vol. 16. № 1. P. 78–81. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2389.2008.00412.x.

3. Kowalski C.M., Schermer J.A. Hardiness, perseverative cognition, anxiety, and health-related outcomes: a case for and against psychological hardiness. Psychological Reports. 2019. Vol. 122. Iss. 6. P. 2096–2118. DOI: 10.1177/0033294118800444.


1. Busel, V.T. (ed.) (2005). Velykyi tlumachnyi slovnyk suchasnoi ukrainskoi movy: 250 000 sliv [A large explanatory dictionary of the modern Ukrainian language: 250,000 words]. Kyiv – Irpin: VTF “Perun”, 1728 p. [in Ukrainian].

2. Bartone, P.T., Roland, R.R., Picano, J.J., & Williams, T.J. (2008). Psychological hardiness predicts success in US Army Special Forces candidates. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 78–81. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2389.2008.00412.x [in English].

3. Kowalski, C.M., & Schermer, J.A. (2019). Hardiness, perseverative cognition, anxiety, and health-related outcomes: a case for and against psychological hardiness. Psychological Reports, vol. 122, iss. 6, pp. 2096–2118. DOI: 10.1177/0033294118800444 [in English].