



professional well-being, determinants of professional well-being, authenticity, workaholism, involvement, personal resources


Recently, the professional well-being of employees has become an urgent problem of organizations and an important topic of numerous studies, which relates to the demands of managerial practice, as well as with the growing need for a full understanding of what exactly contributes to the professional well-being of an individual. The purpose of this study is a theoretical analysis of the factors of internal determination of the professional well-being of an individual. The specificity of the research goal determined the expediency of using a complex of general scientific theoretical methods, in particular analysis, generalization, systematization, and comparison of scientific data. The theoretical analysis made it possible to establish that within the framework of the motivational and value model of professional well-being, important variables that deserve empirical verification of their connection with the level of well-being of employees in the professional context are: authentic functioning of the individual as a tendency to rely on one's own personal experience and act in accordance with true self; involvement as a special type of motivation, which is, on the one hand, the result of internal motivating elements, such as needs, interests, value orientations, and on the other hand, it is the result of the influence of external environmental factors; individual attitude to work, in particular workaholism, which can be a significant negative factor affecting well-being; internal personal resources such as positive self-esteem, general self-efficacy, and locus of control. Positive self-esteem, increased belief in the ability to control events in one's environment, as well as the tendency to associate the obtained results with one's own skills can contribute to increased professional well-being. The factor of goal self-consistency, which ensures the realization of goals through internal and value-congruent reasons and is obviously a condition for achieving professional well-being, is promising in the context of planning future corrective work.


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