


trust, interpersonal trust, functions of interpersonal trust, types of interpersonal trust, the structure of trust


The article analyzes the phenomenon of interpersonal trust, its essence, types and functions. It is shown that trust in a person's life contributes to stability and predictability in his social interaction, which contributes to a sense of unity, facilitates joint work and cooperation between people. Interpersonal trust can arise through the alignment of various factors, such as personal interests, beliefs, emotions, experience, as well as adaptability and level of intellectual development. It is noted that it is formed when a person has confidence in the correspondence and adequacy of other people’s processes, phenomena and reactions to their values. Significant signs of interpersonal trust are defined as: a positive and benevolent attitude between individuals; shared positive experience of interaction; a sense of confidence in another person's values and trustworthiness, which is an important aspect of trust. Interpersonal trust is considered as a dynamic characteristic of relationships between people. The components of interpersonal trust are distinguished: cognitive, conative and affective. The first component – cognitive – reflects a person’s knowledge about himself and the world, as well as norms of behavior based on which a person makes a forecast of the possible consequences of the intended act. As a result of comparing knowledge about the situation and evaluating of one’s perspectives, the second component is formed - the conative component, which covers the individual's choice of a certain strategy of behavior. The third component – affective – includees a person’s assumption about the level of safety during interaction with another subject and an assessment of one’s capabilities. It has been noted that the more complex and expressive relationships between people are, the more likely they will trust each other, and the deeper their communication will develop. Types of interpersonal trust are distinguished: strategic, generalized, moralistic, one-sided and mutual. The functions of interpersonal trust are defined: ensuring joint activity (main), integrating, communicative, interactive, perceptive, reducing, managerial, predictive, orienting, streamlining, stabilizing, psychological, personal, generalizing and background.


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