


axiometrics, dispositional antagonism, principle of integral subjectivity, “Big Five”, HEXACO, “Dark Triad”, “Dark Tetrad”


The article models theoretically dispositional antagonism existing in the structure of personality from the view of the axiological approach applied in personology and the principle of integral subjectivity. On the path of trait theory development within personality psychology, the most generalized positive traits – dispositions have been revealed, which were firstly reflected in the “Big Five” (neuroticism / emotional stability, extroversion / introversion, openness / closedness to experience, benevolence/friendliness, consciousness / conscientiousness) and supplemented later by the factor “Honesty, modesty” in HEXACO. In the last two decades, the “Dark Triad” existing as non-clinical forms of psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism was verified; later it was supplemented by non-clinical sadism creating the “Dark Tetrad”. The article proposes a hierarchical conceptual model revealing dispositional antagonism existing between positive and negative predictors of behaviour at five levels of subjective personality representation: 1) a relative subject or a psychosomatic individual – neuroticism vs primary psychopathy; 2) a mono-subject or a subject of individual subject activity - extraversion vs narcissism; 3) a poly-subject or a social individual, personality in its narrow sense – benevolence vs Machiavellianism; 4) a meta-subject or a creative individual – openness to experience vs. sadism; 5) an absolute subject or a complete, universal person or personality in its broad sense – consciousness vs. secondary psychopathy; these predictors collectively mark the biophilic and necrophilic value-motivational factors in a personality structure and the corresponding actions caused by them. A large-scale empirical validity test for the proposed model is being planned to prevent and correct various behavioural deviations at the levels of both individual and social phenomena.


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