suggestion, synesthesia, imagination, sensuality, artistic creativity, creative process, associativenessAbstract
The theoretical analysis of suggestion and synesthesia as phenomena of artistic creativity singles out the importance of the psychological component for understanding human nature in general and the foundations of the creative process, in particular. The positive significance and the attempt to find a parity ratio of these processes in the study of structurally important factors of creation reflects the special interest observed today in the events of one's own history, culture and their objective reading. The psychological problems that are contained in the hitherto unexplored suggestibility and synesthesia should contribute to serious scientific research, considering the extremely complex realities of today. The original leitmotif of the article was an appeal to the circumstances brought about by the war and in which Ukrainian society found itself. Under such conditions, human nature is at the intersection of many influences and information flows that are capable of destroy its inner spiritual forces. At the same time, the concepts of "creativity" and "creation" bring to the fore the creative individuality of the artist's personality as the main subject of the creative act. In the context of research, imagination, perception, experiences, sensuality, etc., which are significant both for psychology and for aesthetics, literature and art history, are also considered. The article highlights the specifics and courses of the creative process in its conscious and unconscious mental manifestations. The conceptualization, interpretation, and etymology of the terms «suggestion» and «synesthesia» are important for understanding their essence and weight. Suggestion means such an influence on the mental sphere of a person, which leads to the appearance of changed states and feelings in him, makes him capable of actions that do not follow from previous experience, from his moral norms, principles and values. In a state of consciousness that changed because of suggestive influence, a person can perceive as reality what doesn’t exist. Synesthesia is a complex intersensory association that determines the ability of a person to use his sensory nature when creating or perceiving artistic works of art. This scientific investigation is dedicated to the study of these phenomena.
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