emotional states, youth with special needs, psychological correction, art therapyAbstract
In the process of interaction with young people with special needs, we formed a hypothesis that the emotional states of this group need psychological correction. In order to carry out appropriate qualitative work, psychological diagnosis was carried out according to: 1) the Spielberg-Hanin questionnaire – to determine the situational and personal anxiety of the subjects; 2) Eysenck's personality questionnaire – to determine the level of neuroticism; 3) the diagnostic method of operative assessment of well-being, activity and mood. The obtained results confirmed our hypothesis that the investigated young people with special needs are rather anxious, neurotic, have a tendency to low mood, activity and well-being. Accordingly, a program of psychological correction of emotional states of youth with special needs was developed and tested. Art therapy became the leading method in it, as one of the most effective in working with people with special needs. Re-diagnosis of the sample of young people with special needs after their involvement in psychological correction and verification of the obtained indicators with the help of mathematical methods (G-criterion of signs and paired T-Wilcoxon test) confirmed the positive dynamics of the emotional states of the subjects. The article presents the comparative results of the empirical study of the emotional states of youth with special needs and a brief description (abstract) of the approved program of psychological correction of the emotional states of youth with special needs. The leading method of work is art therapy and its types (painting, photo therapy, bibliotherapy, film therapy, music therapy, work with sand, clay, etc.). The total number of trainings is 15, a frequency – 1 time per week. We used the group form of psychological correction. The program could be useful for psychologists, teachers and social workers who work with young people with special needs.
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