


personality, aggressiveness, adolescence, self-esteem, peculiarity


The article presents a theoretical justification and an empirical study of the psychological features of aggressiveness and self-esteem of students, the study of the relationship between the level of self-esteem and aggressiveness. The analysis of literary sources of domestic scientists made it possible to clarify the essence of the key definitions of the study. Self-esteem is the indicator that affects the increased tendency to show or react to aggression, which entails a negative impact on the efficiency of life and communication, as well as the manifestation of emotional instability. Established, we state that the individual is not born with overestimated, underestimated and adequate self-esteem, it forms the environment. Research methods were used, namely theoretical: theoretical analysis of the problem of the relationship between aggressiveness and self-esteem of students of higher educational institutions; empirical: a test to determine the level of aggressiveness of Вassа-Darkа (adaptation by A.K. Osnytskyi), method of determining self-esteem, the «Self-assessment of organization» test, the «Self-assessment of mental states» method (H. Eysenck), the «Aggressive behavior» method (according to Ilyin and P. Kovalev). Methods of mаthematical and statisticаl processing of research results were аlsо used. For the empirical part of our research, 36 respondents of young age and different genders were invited. The results of the empirical study of features of the self-esteem of students are presented. Based on the analysis materials, relevant conclusions are drawn. Students of higher education institutions with low or low selfesteem are characterized by uncompromising attitude and inability to seek a peaceful solution to the problem, which leads to increased rates of aggression. Іnadequate self-esteem is associated with higher rates of aggression Тhe causes of aggressive behavior can be both psychological and social factors. Prospects for further research are the relationship between self-esteem and psychological well-being of higher education students. A bibliographic list is provided.


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