mentality, mental health, mental health, adaptive potential, stress, resilience, resilience, coping, personal mental health resources, psychological stress resistanceAbstract
The article presents a theoretical analysis of the problem of preserving the mental health of a teacher during martial law. The author analyses such phenomena as mental health, mental health and their components. Mental health is an integral part of a full life. This concept is very broad and combines various aspects of theoretical and practical research in the field of psychological, mental, social and personal health. In studying the problems and identifying ways to prevent mental health of teachers, the importance of studying and improving the adaptive potential and resources of the individual, taking into account the peculiarities of his/her professional pedagogical activity and the specifics of life conditions, is emphasised. Such forms of resilience as resilience, resilience, and coping are identified and characterised. Since the purpose of the article is to determine the theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of preserving the mental health of teachers in wartime, an empirical study of the level of positive mental health was conducted with the participation of 54 second-year students of Sumy State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography. The methodology makes it possible to determine the positive orientation of mental health, which is very important because it positively ‘colours’ a person's life activity, which, unlike the so-called ‘negative mental health’, allows to maintain stress resistance and establish social contacts with people. There are 3 levels of mental health: low, medium and high. The obtained results provide grounds to assert that the problem of mental health is very relevant among future teachers. We proceed from the position that at the present stage it is necessary to: expand the knowledge of teachers (and future teachers) about the problem of mental health; promote awareness of the need to take care of their mental health among modern teachers; offer a methodological set of practical advice, exercises and techniques to improve the mental health of the teacher.
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