


heart rate variability, stress, adaptation, sleep disorders, sleep quality.


The article explores theoretical aspects of the interconnection between heart rate variability (HRV), stress, and sleep disorders, examining their impact on both physical and mental health. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of HRV as an indicator of the normality of the regulatory mechanisms of the nervous system (in particular, the balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic component of the autonomous nervous system), which is reflected in changes in the heart rhythm. The study investigates how changes in these indicators may indicate the risk of developing various diseases and functional disorders. It highlights the potential use of HRV as a non-invasive method for predicting the risk of cardiovascular diseases and other pathologies, including those of psychosomatic origin. It is generalized that the increased variability of the heart rate indicates the coordinated functioning of various body systems and a sufficiently high general state of health, and therefore can be associated with the ability of a person to effectively cope with stress and maintain psychophysiological balance. By analyzing the physiological aspects of heart rate variability, the research deepens the understanding of the mechanisms through which the body responds to stressful influences, particularly examining the interaction between the activity of the nervous system and rhythmic changes in heart rate. In general, the article reveals the pathogenetic links of heart rate variability, stress and sleep, which are of great importance for understanding the mechanisms for ensuring the health and normal functioning of the body as a whole. Exploring the deeper aspects of these mechanisms should facilitate the search for and development of effective strategies to influence this connection for the improvement of both physical (through normalization of nervous system activity via HRV) and mental health (through optimization of sleep quality and increased stress resilience), and the optimization of the organism’s adaptive properties.


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