


blood donor, antigen, erythrocyte antigen system, AB0, Rh, Kell, Sumy region.


The article updates the problem of ensuring the immunological safety of erythrocyte transfusions in the conditions of a significant increase in the need for donor blood and its components in Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia. The article highlights the results of studying the blood of 133 primary donors (83 men and 50 women) of the Sumy Regional Blood Service Center for antigens of AB0, Rh, Kell systems. The study was carried out within the framework of Agreement № 562 dated 03.22.2016 on scientific, methodological and educational cooperation between Sumy Regional Blood Service LLC and Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko on the basis of Biopharma Plasma of Sumy. Determination of antigens was carried out by the indirect hemagglutination reaction method on the Bio Rad IN 500 automatic analyzer. Identification of phenotypes by antigens of the Rh system was carried out according to the nomenclature of R.A. Fisher/R.R. Rice. Statistical indicators were calculated in the form of relative values. It was established that the distribution of primary donors by antigens of the AB0 system in general and by gender corresponds to official statistical data on the prevalence of antigens of the AB0 system among Ukrainians. It is shown that according to the Rh system, 86% of primary donors, including among women and men, have antigen D in the membranes of erythrocytes, which fully corresponds to the European frequency of the Rh-positive phenotype. According to the nomenclature of R.A. Fisher/R.R. Rice primary donors belong to 8 phenotypes. According to the Kell system, 92% of primary donors are K-negative, including 94% among men and 88% among women, which is consistent with the literature on the worldwide frequency of Kell-negative (≤90) and Kell-positive individuals (≥10%). Based on the combination of erythrocyte antigens of AB0, Rh and Kell systems, 12 phenotypes were identified in primary donors.


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