


Ternopil region, territoriality, territorial communities, spatial dispersion, households, land plots.


The article analyses the role of spatial planning as an important tool for the efficient use of territorial resources of communities on the example of the Ternopil region. It is substantiated that territories reflect a distinctive way of social and spatial organisation associated with certain ways of spatial thinking. Territories, not being natural formations, are the result of social practices and processes and are created under certain conditions to serve certain purposes. The analysis of the territory is carried out from the point of view of the location of objects, spatial relations and interactions, their spatial order, and their organisation. In our study, we would like to focus on the peculiarities of differentiating territorial entities by the parameters of their socio-economic status. We have studied the key metric characteristics that affect the functioning of territorial communities in the Ternopil region. The study of territorial communities in the region was also carried out in terms of household land ownership. On the basis of these complementary indicators, the article groups territorial communities by the functional nature of their centres, the area owned by the communities, and the distance from district administrative centres as an indicator of territorial accessibility and determines the role of such data for the spatial organisation of the community territory. In general, it is noted that the reform of local self-government and administrative-territorial structure on the basis of strengthening regional development, deepening decentralisation of power, and the use of a model of interaction between central and local authorities is mandatory and necessary to ensure the development of regional territories.


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