



organic and mineral soils, river valley, physical and chemical properties of soils.


The physicochemical properties of the soils of the Stavchanka River valley within the Pustomyty city were studied, namely: humus content, ash content, acid-base properties, the amount of absorbed bases and the degree of soil saturation with bases. The Stavchanka River is a left tributary of the second order of the Dniester River. It was established that the studied mineral turf and meadow soils belong to low and medium humus. Such a low humus content can be explained by the high content of the sand fraction and the light loam granulometric composition, which does not allow newly formed humic substances to linger in the upper horizon, so their gradual transportation to the lower horizons occurs. The soils are characterized by a progressive and accumulative distribution of humus content along the profile. Organogenic lowland peatlands are medium-ash in terms of ash content, and a trend towards a decrease in ash content down the profile was also noted. The relatively high level of ash content in the studied lowland peatlands can be explained by their proximity to the bed of the Stavchanka River and the low hypsometric level of these soils above the water level in the river bed, which leads to the periodic replenishment of their surface with mineral substances brought in a suspended state by flood and flood waters when the river overflows. The reaction of the soil solution ranges from very acidic in peatlands to neutral in the lower horizons of sod and meadow soils. The degree of hydrolytic acidity varies widely – from very low in turf and meadow soils to very high in lowland peatlands. The index of the amount of absorbed bases is average in turf soils and elevated in meadow soils. The degree of saturation with bases is increased within the entire profile of mineral soils. The obtained research results will be useful to landowners and land users of the research area when conducting scientifically based economic activities on these lands. The results of the research have already come in handy for the correct selection of tree crops (European larch, petiole oak, black pine and narrow-leaved linden) for the creation of a recreation area in the valley of the Stavchanka River.


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