комп’ютерне опрацювання, вільний асоціативний експеримент, STIMULUS, реакція, стимул, резилентність, психолінгвістична інтерпретаціяAbstract
The article presents the results of the free-associative experiment conducted with the help of STIMULUS based on the reactions to stimuli with the semantics of resilience given by Ukrainians and their psycholinguistic interpretation. Firstly, the author describes the methodology used in the free-associative experiment. In particular, she provides general characteristics of the questionnaire, defines stimuli (crisis, crash, stress, pandemic, trauma), characterizes the main participants of the free-associative experiment (85 Ukrainian respondents aged 17–23 and 31–39), and outlines the stages of working out the reactions of Ukrainians to stimuli with the semantics of resilience. Secondly, the preparatory, practical, and analytical operational stages of working with STIMULUS are described in detail according to the responses given by the Ukrainians. Thirdly, the psycholinguistic interpretation of the responses to stimuli with the semantics of resilience was carried out to model fragments of the individual consciousness of Ukrainians. The associative experiment is the most developed technique of psycholinguistic analysis of semantics. Psychosemantics is the task of reconstructing an individual system of meanings through which an individual perceives the world. The associative experiment provides extensive material for elaborating on the information behind a word in an individual's mind and, consequently, what fragments of this information can be used by the mind if the word is used in different contexts. As a result, STIMULUS made it possible to build associative fields with a nuclear-peripheral organisation for each stimulus word, among which the following were the nuclear reactions: crisis: decline, destruction; collapse: destruction, decline; stress: anxiety; pandemic: coronavirus; trauma: pain, PTSD. The analysis of reactions shows a coincidence in the perception of the crisis by Ukrainians; in particular, for two stimuli, crisis, and collapse, Ukrainians provide the same reaction words: decline, and ruin, explained by the historical past of Ukrainians during the collapse of the Soviet Union, i.e., a period when Ukrainians faced a financial crisis and the collapse of plans and hopes.
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