


semantic derivation, public discourse, vocabulary, semantic innovations, neosemanticisms


The article is devoted to the problem of semantic derivation, which is one of the factors of language evolution. Public discourse is the main sphere of appearance of new words, implementation of their content and expressive potential, functional purpose at the modern stage of language development. We consider media, political and economic discourses as types of publicity. A complex of general scientific and linguistic methods is used for the study of semantic innovations. The main ones were conceptual-linguistic, lexical-thematic modeling, structural-typological, lexical-semantic analysis and descriptive. It has been proven that semantic derivation is a complex multi-level process of creating new meanings, which is accompanied by a change in the semantic structure of a word, arises as a result of the action of intra-linguistic and extra-linguistic factors and affects the entire lexical-semantic system of the language, which makes it open to change and dynamic. We consider semantic innovations as multidimensional phenomena that appear as a result of conceptualizing the world in all spheres of human activity. Semantic innovations are the markers of the times. Some of them exist for a short time, and then pass to the passive dictionary or disappear altogether. Semantic innovations can be context-dependent and implemented only within a specific text, and context-independent, widely used. Contextually dependent meanings reveal the author's vision of the described thing and emphasize certain of its properties. The main results of the study are the stratification and detailed semantic and stylistic analysis of the recorded semantic innovations, the explanation of the mechanisms of their appearance, the peculiarities of their use and functioning in the Ukrainian public discourse. The practical significance of the study arises from the fact that the collected factual material can be used for the study of dictionary neolexes, for a detailed study of the methods of formation, distribution of channels and features of the functioning of semantic innovations, as well as for clarifying the criteria of semantic and stylistic analysis of this vocabulary.


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