competences, analysis of the work, characteristics of the hero, physicality, experience of the body, compositionAbstract
The article proposes the mechanism of textual analysis of E. Hemingway’s story “The Old Man and the Sea” in the 11th grade of a comprehensive school, the feasibility of using an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the work is substantiated. The analysis of methodological materials (with recommendations and practical advice on various methods of work in lessons on the study of E. Hemingway’s work at school) proved the novelty and relevance of the chosen aspect of the analysis. The involvement of an interdisciplinary approach, appeal to works on the problems of literary anthropology (M. Markovskyi, L. Tarnashinska, F. Shteinbuk), phenomenology (M. Merleau- Ponty) with a projection on the system of images, composition, architecture of the work “The Old Man and the Sea” contributes formation of subject, key competences provided by the school curriculum, activation of the research component in the process of studying foreign literature, ensuring the implementation of information and digital competence of schoolchildren – the ability to learn to use various sources of reference information to obtain new knowledge. The characteristics of the image of the protagonist of E. Hemingway’s story “The Old Man and the Sea” are examined through the prism of body experience, worldview beliefs, the hero’s philosophy of life, his meaningful contacts with nature and people. Detailed descriptions of appearance (with an emphasis on body parts – arms, shoulders, face, eyes, etc.) are depicted in the work in the mode of variability. The material of the story illustrates that the fisherman’s attention to his health, the fisherman’s lifestyle, built up over decades of the ability to operate the body with familiar things, to appreciate life helped the protagonist to overcome difficult circumstances. The anthropological vector of the character of the hero of the story “The Old Man and the Sea” is one of the ways of active cooperation between the teacher and the student in the lesson, which will contribute to the development of high school students’ skills to delve into the text, identify and characterize details, and form a culture of reading.
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