


authentic videos, methodological potential, English-language lectures, TED Talks lectures, specialized school, listening competence, independent work


The goal of the article is to investigate and summarize the requirements for listening competency of students in specialized schools according to foreign language curricula and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, as well as to examine the methodological potential of using English-language authentic TED Talks lectures as a tool for forming listening competency in independent work of students in specialized schools. The article emphasizes the pivotal role of students’ independent work with authentic materials in the modern educational paradigm. The research was conducted using the method of critical analysis of Ukrainian and foreign linguistic, pedagogical, and methodological sources, relevant educational programs, and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages to confirm the relevance of the researched issue and generalize the results of contemporary scientific research. An empirical survey method of 10th-grade students was also applied to assess the current situation of using authentic audiovisual materials as a means of forming listening competency and to determine students’ attitudes towards the possible use of English-language TED Talks lectures in independent work. The result of the research confirms the methodological potential of using English-language TED Talks lectures as a means of forming listening competency in students of specialized schools. The relevance, content, alignment with modern educational principles, and diversity of this material reveal broad prospects for its utilization in the educational process as a means of motivating students for independent language learning. Additionally, it is found that TED Talks lectures hold significant linguistic, socio-cultural, psychological and methodological potential. Relevant examples of TED Talks lectures are provided (according to the curriculum of the 10th and 11th grade) to illustrate the potential of the proposed educational practice.


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