



idiom, phraseology, media discourse, discourse, linguistics, language, culture, TV series, communication, medialinguistic analysis.


The article outlines the peculiarities of the usage of phraseological units in the media discourse based on American TV series. The concept of discourse is key in this study, as it covers linguistic and extralinguistic aspects that make it possible to clearly reveal the essence and specificity of the serial phenomenon as a form of communication. The features of the media discourse and its impact on society are analyzed. The lexical-semantic and discoursive-pragmatic features of the English phraseology in TV series are also studied. A careful analysis of the lexical and semantic components of phraseological units allows us to understand not only their direct meaning, but also the shades they give to the speech of the characters in the series. Phraseological units serve to fill in gaps in the lexical composition of the language, often acting as the only expressions to describe signs, states and actions. Their purpose is to mitigate the conflicts that arise between cognitive needs and the limited lexical structure of the language. The examples of the usage of phraseological expressions presented in this work contribute to a deeper contextual analysis, revealing the effectiveness of their use in conveying the nuances and subtleties of communicative situations. This study deepens the understanding of how phraseological expressions become not only a means of expression, but also key elements of the cultural code embedded in the structure of the series. This research paper reveals important connections between the use of phraseological units and the perception of the content of the series, deepening the understanding of how they influence the audience and shape the culture of the nation. By analyzing phraseology in media discourse, the article makes an important contribution to linguistic and cultural studies, expanding the understanding of the interaction between language, culture and the contemporary media space. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the interaction of linguistic elements with the context of the cultural and media environment. The results obtained can serve as a basis for further work in the field of media linguistics aimed at developing new methodologies and theories.


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