Canadian graphic novel, comic effect creation, verbal means, graphic means, exclamation, onomatopoeia.Abstract
The article examines the phonetic and graphic means of comic effect creation in Canadian graphic novels. The research material is a popular graphic novel by the famous Canadian cartoonist Brian Lee O’Malley “Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Life”. To analyse the factual material, the method of distributive analysis, the method of calculation, and the method of interpretation are used, the last helps to decode the meanings embedded in the verbal and non-verbal components of the Canadian graphic novel, which together form visual, semantic, structural, aesthetic, and functional integrity. Comic effect creation in the analysed Canadian graphic novel is based on contrasts, on the inconsistency of form and content, and is generally manifested in the reactions of the main characters to unexpected situations, the desire to appear better than they really are, the exaggerated reaction of the characters, the absurdity of the situations, their unnecessary detailing, double interpretations, repetitions, and irony. The analysis showed that the source of comic effect creation in the graphic novel is the modification of the content, meaning, a violation of boundaries, and creation of illusions. For this effect, the author uses verbal (text in speech bubbles, narrative blocks and author comments) and non-verbal means (graphic means that include font, colour, graphic symbols, pictures, etc.), focusing on certain emotional states of the characters. Verbal means of comic effect creation in the Canadian graphic novel under consideration are represented on the phonetic level by onomatopoeia and exclamations and are reinforced by graphic means (punctuation, font, and colour). The use of the author’s phonetic occasionalisms contributes to the creation of comic effects. Together with the international and universal features of the comic effect, its national character is manifested in the analysed graphic novel.
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