comparative construction, structure of comparison, comparant, comparator, basis of comparison, thematic group, lexical-semantic model.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of comparison of poetic speech of Lesya Ukrayinka and Lina Kostenko in lexical-semantic aspect. Different linguistic approaches to the interpretation of ‘comparison’ concept are considered, according to which the comparison is defined as a trope, a tropeic figure in which the linguistic image of a person, object, phenomenon or action is transmitted through the most characteristic features that are organically inherent to others (L. Mats’ko). The logical-grammatical model of the comparative construction is defined, which contains four components: the subject of comparison; the object (image) of comparison; the basis of comparison; the indicator of comparative relations. It was found out that the semantics of comparison components makes it possible to study the features of author’s language thinking and worldview, the psychology of creativity and to reveal objective pragmatic information that is the part of what is depicted. The semantics of subject of comparison is, as a rule, connected with the content of entire work. The choice of object of comparison is based on ideas, thoughts, feelings, as a result of which one idea or feeling causes another. The lexical-semantic models of comparative constructions in poetic speech of Lesya Ukrayinka and Lina Kostenko are defined within the thematic groups of comparison object: ‘fauna’, ‘flora’, ‘phenomenon of nature’ and others. The following main lexicalsemantic models of comparisons are highlighted: ‘objective world – fauna’, ‘abstract concept – fauna’, ‘fauna – fauna’, ‘man – flora’, ‘abstract concept – flora’, ‘natural phenomenon – flora’, ‘objective world – flora’, ‘objective world – natural phenomenon’, ‘abstract concept – natural phenomenon’, ‘natural phenomenon – natural phenomenon’, ‘man – natural phenomenon’, etc. In thematic group with the subject (object) of comparison ‘thinking/speech activity’, lexical-semantic models with the object (image) of comparison ‘fauna’ and ‘natural phenomena’ are quite common. It was found out that the figurative comparisons of Lesya Ukrayinka and Lina Kostenko are masters’ creative achievements; they are filled with aesthetic meaning and endowed with powerful expressive and emotional potentials.
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