


abbreviation, contraction, linguistic economy, difficulties of translation, translation.


Contractions and abbreviations, which contribute to the implementation of the law of language economy, have become an integral and essential component of modern terminological systems in our time and determined the purpose of the article: study of the functioning and role of abbreviations and contractions in English-language scientific and technical texts, reproduction of English abbreviations in the Ukrainian language. In accordance with the goal, the article analyzes the latest research and publications devoted to the problems of abbreviation; the definition of abbreviation, acronym and the term “contraction” is disclosed; the reasons for the appearance and growth of the number of abbreviations and contractions are clarified; the main task of contractions is noted, which consists in saving effort during oral speech and saving the volume of written text; aspects of the functioning and difficulty of translation of the abbreviation available in the English scientific and technical literature are considered; it is noted that in modern linguistics there are numerous and heterogeneous principles of classification of abbreviations, as a result of which various types of contractions are distinguished among abbreviated units based on various features and the existing types of abbreviations in the studied texts are indicated; the main ways of transmitting the English abbreviation in Ukrainian are given; the prospect of further research into the translational aspect of the functioning of abbreviations and contractions is noted. In order to study the concepts of abbreviation, acronym and the term “contraction”, theoretical analysis was used to study the scientific literature; the descriptive method was used to reveal the content of the main concepts; the structural method was used to determine the structural features (meaning the number of letters) of the studied abbreviations and abbreviations. The studied texts included scientific and technical terminological contractions, such as: abbreviated terms-phrases, graphics of a general scientific nature, abbreviations combined with numbers, and truncated words. Polysyllabic lexical units were subject to contracting. Identified abbreviated terms-phrases are initialisms and precisely the author’s abbreviations, which were explained in texts that succinctly convey the meaning of multi-component terms.


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